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Оберіть тарифний план
Monthly Giving
10EURКожен 1 місяць- Your name on our website and social media
- Monthly newsletter updates
- Robin Hood Patch *after 3rd month
- Personalized thank-you note
Sustaining Donor
25EURКожен 1 місяць- All of the benefits of the basic level
- Recognition in the organization's annual report
- Recognition as a sustaining donor
- Invitation to a private reception with the team *online
Leadership Circle
100EURКожен 1 місяць- All of the benefits of the Sustaining Donor Circle, plus:
- Recognition as a leadership donor
- Personalized program updates and impact reports
- Robin Hoodie
- Dedicated donation toward a project
Champion Circle
250EURКожен 1 місяць- All of the benefits of the Leadership Circle, plus:
- Recognition as a champion donor
- Exclusive invitation to attend an annual dinner
- Opportunity to join a community of like-minded donors
- Rebuilding souvenier
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